Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I'm planning to undergo a radiologic procedure…

How can I find an imaging center in my area that can perform this procedure?
You might try searching in the database of ACR-accredited facilities.

Is it possible to have a procedure performed without a referring physician and if so, where can I find an imaging center that provides this service?
There are imaging centers that will perform certain procedures—such as whole-body imaging, coronary calcium scoring, and virtual colonoscopy—without a referring physician. Note that such elective screening may not be covered by insurance or Medicare and in some states, such as Texas, all radiologic procedures must be ordered by a licensed referring physician, podiatrist, or chiropractor. does not provide referrals; however, a state or local chapter of the American College of Radiology (ACR) may be able to assist you in finding an imaging facility—see ACR Chapter Websites. You can search for ACR-accredited imaging facilities in the ACR-accredited facilities database.

I've searched your site but can't find information about a particular procedure. currently describes many of the most common radiology procedures but it does not describe all procedures. New procedures will be added and current procedures will be updated as we continue to develop the site. Also, many procedures have more than one name, so you might try checking our "Procedures A to Z" page.

If you have a question about a procedure that is not included on the site, we recommend that you ask your physician or health services provider. Please also let us know the procedure that you were looking for by submitting a note in the Comment form on our Contact Us page or send an e-mail to [email protected].

I have a question about my imaging options. does not give individual medical advice or opinion. We recommend that you ask your doctor or health services provider about your imaging options.

I read your information about my procedure or therapy but I still have unanswered questions or concerns.
In this case we recommend that you consult with your physician or ask your health services provider. You might also try inquiring at one of these radiology organizations to see if they can help.

I need information about costs or insurance coverage. does not currently have information to offer about the costs of procedures or insurance coverage. We recommend that you ask your health services provider or your insurance company. You might also try inquiring at some of the medical or imaging facilities in your locale. (To find an imaging facility in your area, you might try searching in the database of ACR-accredited facilities.)

I've already had a radiologic procedure…

I have a question about the results of my examination. does not give individual medical advice or opinion. We recommend that you ask your doctor or health services provider about the results of your examination.

I'm interested in becoming a Radiologist…

What are the educational requirements?
Radiologists are physicians, so you will need to receive an undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Science, for example) and then attend medical school to get an M.D. You will then need to pass a licensing examination, and complete at least 4 years of graduate medical education (residency).

Following are some reference books on how to get into medical school. These books may be available at a local public library or can be purchased from many book stores:

  • The Complete Medical School Preparation and Admissions Guide
  • Barron's Guide to Medical and Dental Schools
  • Medical School Admissions : The Insider's Guide

Some medical schools have pre-med programs for undergraduates. Knowing the requirements for medical school is important in choosing an undergraduate school.

Where can I find a list of medical schools?
Try searching online at sites like:

Yahoo (Health/Medicine/Education/Medical_Schools/)

Association of American Medical Colleges

How much money does a Radiologist earn?
Refer to the Physicians and Surgeons section in the online Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Dept. of Labor:

Can you direct me to other sources of information for medical students?

The American Board of Radiology (ABR)

American Association of Physicists in Medicine
E-mail general questions to: [email protected]

If you're interested in a radiologic subspecialty, you might wish to contact a related organization. A list of radiologic organizations can be found on the RSNA website:

I'm interested in becoming a Radiologic Technologist…

What are the educational requirements?
Refer to the Radiologic Technologists and Technicians section in the online Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Dept. of Labor:

Where can I find a list of schools offering Technologist programs?
You might try searching for Radiologic Technologist programs in some of your favorite online search engines such as Google ( or at sites like Schools in the (

How much money does a Radiologic Technologist earn?
Refer to the Radiologic Technologists and Technicians section in the online Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Dept. of Labor:

What are some other sources of information for Radiologic Technologist students?

American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Careers in Radiologic Technology Portal:

American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT):

May we link our medical or educational website to
Yes, we encourage medical and educational websites to link to To accommodate linking, we offer a selection of logos.

May we copy text, photos or images found on for use on another website?
No, we do not allow the text, photographs or radiological images found on to be copied, however, we encourage medical and educational websites to link to Linking will help us ensure that the patient is receiving the latest information available.

Can our medical group or imaging facility duplicate the printable handouts for distribution to our patients?
Yes, non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the handouts is permitted, however we recommend that you return frequently to to check for updates in the material. To ensure that you have the latest information, check that the date printed on the Handouts matches the "date last modified" on the download page.

You can also download a free file of an 8 ½'' X 11'' promotional flier that you may print and distribute to patients. Download either the standard flier or the customizable flier which has a space for adding your logo or contact information. Several file formats are available. Please see the Physician Resources page for details.

The following organizations may be able to assist:

American Association of Physicists in Medicine
E-mail general questions to: [email protected].

The app, Patient Safety in Imaging, may be downloaded from the Physician Resources section.

We are always looking for ways to improve and welcome your feedback. Please submit any comments or suggestions via the form on our Contact Us page.

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